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About Us

The Southern Melbourne Elder Abuse Prevention Network (SMEAPN) is a voluntary network funded by the Victorian Government.

We inform our local community of our rights so we are empowered to make our own choices in life.

We create awareness of ageism, which is known to be the main driver of elder abuse.  We teach ways to talk about age and ageing in a positive way that focuses on our values.  This can reshape attitudes about age and breakdown stereotypes about older people. 

Our network includes dedicated members from the local Councils, Mediation and Counselling Services, District Nursing, Community Health, Women’s Health, Multicultural Services, and community representatives to keep us in touch with the local community.

Guided by the Primary Prevention Framework and the latest research, we aim to prevent elder abuse and create a world where everyone is valued, treated with respect and included.

Download the Terms of Reference

Our Members

The dedicated members in our network are supporting our community and professionals to prevent elder abuse.