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Community Workshop for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 13 June 2024


There was a fantastic turnout at our “Your Life Your Choice” workshop at Kingston City Hall this June in support of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

This event showcased a unique model of collaboration between four local councils – City of Kingston, Bayside City Council, Glen Eira City Council and City of Monash – at providing fun and informative workshops with resources for well over 200 residents.

The 2.5 hour event featured:

The feedback received showed the workshop was excellent, relevant, and informative.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day serves as a reminder that we all have the right to make our own choices on how we spend our money, where we live and who we see. We want our choices to be respected and to live in a safe and comfortable environment. Through continued efforts and increased awareness, our network is working towards creating a safer and more respectful community for all.

You can find support, engagement, and fun in your local area. Local councils across Victoria are leading the way with opportunities for connecting locally for all generations.

Engaging with the Greek Senior Citizens Club in Kingston, 20 June 2024


We recently visited the Greek Senior Citizen’s Club of Moorabbin to deliver another “Your Life Your Choice” workshop.

We partnered with our member, PRONIA, to deliver the event in Greek to empower community members to stay informed to make their own choices in life.

Special guest speaker, Kalliroy Katsigiannis, Principal Lawyer of Themida Legal talked about the importance of preparing a Power of Attorney, when it takes effect, and how to ensure a Will includes our wishes.

Everyone listened with enthusiasm and said they felt much more confident to stay in charge of their finances.

Members welcomed us to return another time to keep them informed and aware of their rights.

Many thanks to the support and funding by the City of Kingston.

Warm Safe Homes at the Kingston Libraries


We were so proud to display these beautiful Warm Safe Homes creations at our World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event this June, courtesy of the Kingston Libraries.

The project uses art to create conversations about how everyone has the right to live in a warm safe home and be respected for making their own choices.

For more information on running this project with your community group contact enquiries@eapn.org.au.

‘A Question of Ageism’ Forum, Oct 2023


A fantastic turnout of local businesses and community members attended the City of Glen Eira Ageism forum, which prompted our thinking about ageism in our society and what we can do about it.

We heard from Avital Kamil from COTA who talked about the impacts of ageism, and Ro Allen from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, who inspired us to speak out and stand up for our rights.

Many thanks to our community member, Phil, who introduced our online training modules which show us how to reframe messages to reduce ageist attitudes.


Photos courtesy of the City of Glen Eira

Kingston Seniors Services Festival, Nov 2023


The Seniors Services Festival was a wonderful opportunity to engage with community members in the City of Kingston.

Community members chatted about friends they were concerned about who were having difficulties with family relationships or being taken advantage of by their adult children.  Carers also shared their experiences about caring for their parents.

We were able to empower everyone to learn about our rights to be respected and valued for the unique individuals we are.  We shared information on how to stay in charge of how we spend our money, where we live and who we see.

Community members were comforted knowing there were support services they could call, or share with their friends in need.


World Elder Abuse Prevention Day (WEAAD), June 2023


Our network engaged with over 100 local community members at learning forums to create awareness of our rights and provide practical tips on ageing safely and staying in control of our choices.

City of Port Phillip


The City of Port Phillip held a forum with over 70 community members from the Linking Neighbours and Social Support groups at the Middle Park Bowls Club.

The community members viewed the ‘Your life. Your choice.’ learning forum, then shared a light lunch and listened to some live music.  It was an enjoyable and informative day for all.

The participants could take home collateral to learn more about ageing safely and where to get support.

Bayside City Council


The Healthy Ageing Team at Bayside City Council held a forum with over 30 community members at the Bayside Library.
There was a screening of the ‘Your life. Your choice.’ learning forum, which was very well received.  The viewers were excited to hear from the Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO and commented on how much they learned from the video.

To conclude, members shared morning tea with some delicious purple cupcakes.  Everyone received goodie bags with supporting information to take home so they know where to seek help should they experience or know of anyone who is at risk of experiencing elder abuse.

Ageing with Attitude, October 2022


There was something for everyone in this hilarious comedy show, ‘Ageing with Attitude’.

In celebration of the ‘International Day for Older Persons’ on 1 October 2022, the Respecting Seniors Network hosted Monica Dullard’s sell-out show that gave us tips and tricks to survive ageism and how to age with attitude!

The theme was to create positive messages about ageing and empower the audience to feel respected and valued.

The event was attended by nearly 200 members of the community, who watched the show at the Peninsula Community Theatre and then shared a delicious afternoon tea together.


There were information stalls set up by members of the Respecting Seniors Network and Southern Melbourne Elder Abuse Prevention Network who engaged with the community and provided information on support services for elder abuse, including; Better Place AustraliaThe Orange DoorGood ShepherdHome InsteadPeninsula Community Legal CentreMornington Peninsula ShireFrankston City CouncilPeninsula Health, and Victoria Police.